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WOW...How to summarize the 2020 CSHL season?!?!? It started with the slogan, "Let the Good Times Roll," but our blades came to a screeching halt before they ever had a chance.  The league entered the new decade with confidence and momentum after a stellar 2019 season.  Riding the '19 wave, the CSHL pushed forward to continue their mission while improving the community through a love of hockey.  Since the league's inception, they have experienced a growth in members, volunteers, players, and fans.  The influx of players allowed the league to expand the CSHL clubs from 4 to 6 teams.  On 2/29/20, the League unveiled two new clubs and logos designed by Sunil Ketty. Incorporated into the festivities was the shake-up redraft of all teams and players.  CSHL Club captains Jus Patterson, Chris Weiss, Jake Thomas, Ryan O'Leary, Eric Wilke, & Rats Boulevard acquired all player names to draft their teams behind closed doors.  The fever pitch was uncontainable...the good times were indeed rollin'!  Immediately following the high, we experience the blow of how serious the COVID-19 pandemic was, the 2020 gongshow had begun. As states started to lockdown, the league abided by Kentucky protocols and canceled all sanctioned CSHL hockey, tournaments, and events.  While the positive outlook for the season deflated, a filthy cheese clapper abruptly commenced in a celly to remember!!! Kyle Wheeler exposed the league to NHL quality boards abandoned in an arena devastated by a tornado.  League member Chris Weiss was quick to follow-up with Hara Arena representatives to acquire the boards.  It took the efforts of many to successfully transport the rich history of the Hara Arena Boards to the new home of the CSHL, Barb Cook Memorial Park.   On November 18, 2020, Queen City Blacktop laid the foundation that will eventually support the league's push to bring hockey to the community.  An extremely successful 3rd Annual Toy Drive and the installation of the boards, led by Kyle Streethockey, have all members ready to light the lamp in 2021.  It was a roller coaster year to say the least, but the league ended the season with the same optimism they entered 2020 with.

CSHL friends, families, and communities are dealing with the consequences of the pandemic, some more than others.  Our hearts go out to those who lost loved ones or have been negatively impacted by all the life-altering changes.  The League loves the game, but embraces its community first.  The CSHL has been a safe haven for many members and they will continue to keep the bench doors open for anyone who wants to join this amazing organization.  The League will continue safely helping as the aperture slowly opens allowing us to see the light at the end of this dark tunnel. 


I am usually behind the scenes, however, I will use this opportunity to express how grateful I am to be part of the organization.  I have the opportunity to utilize my knowledge and experience to assist with media, design, website, marketing, and more.  I started a new career at Northern Kentucky University in 2017 not knowing what was to come.  Since then, I have befriended great people I now call family in a place I consider home.  Hockey has been a part of my life since 1988 but I never thought I would connect that love in Covington, KY.  Happy New Year to all the CSHL friends, families, and community members.  Let's ring in the new year with a crispy Labatt at the clubhouse very soon. 

​The Professor

Congratulations to the Next Gen Bubett Families:

Krista & Chris Weiss

Sam Carmine and Jus Patterson

Margaret and Jenco

Please note, many of these gallery pictures are before KY mask protocols. Click right to see more images.

The CSHL 3rd Annual

Toy Drive

This year has proven to challenge all of us as we meander the affects of the pandemic.  With so many unknowns, The CSHL knew the importance of continuing their end of the year mission to collect donated toys.  The league once again teamed up with Orleans Development & Be Concerned organizations to rally community efforts to help bring smiles to children's faces. The CSHL also partnered with the Cincinnati Cyclones and UC Ice Hockey to assist during these unique times. Needless to say...our community banded together to donate an unprecedented collection of toys for boys & girls ages 12-14.  Individuals unable to drop off toys were able to donate cash totaling nearly $1000 for The CSHL to shop at Ollie's Bargain Outlet

On 12/21/20 CSHL members dropped off all toys at The Orleans Development.  We were joined by the charismatic Twister from the Cyclones as toys were transported to the Be Concerned Organization.  

It is an amazing feeling knowing these toys will go to families in our community to help make their holidays special.  Our organization is only successful because of the friends, families, and community members that consistently volunteer their time to support those around us. We are grateful for the individuals that made this year's toy drive an amazing end to a challenging year. 

Thank you and Happy New Year!







CLICK HERE to checkout more about the event. 


If our excitement wasn't obvious after laying the foundation for the new home court of The CSHL...THE BOARDS ARE UP!!!!  Led by Kyle Streethockey, a team of CSHL members placed, bolted, and capped the boards. 

The next phase will be to lay concrete for the footings to help solidify the integrity of the boards.

We are thrilled to continue the long history of the Hara Arena boards. 




Kyle Streethockey: Boards Project Manager

Kyle, an original member of The CSHL and owner of Pancero Construction, will lead a team to layout, bolt, and secure the boards at Barb Cook Memorial Park.  He will oversee all operations to finalize the boards as they are installed at their new home.

Special thanks to:

Chris Weiss & Kyle Wheeler for securing the boards for The CSHL.
Jay O'Leary (Mr. O) for loaning the heavy equipment.

All the individuals who volunteered their time to help get the boards up. 










Barb Cook Park: Making the final push to completion. 

Even with a few weather obstacles, the CSHL Construction & Maintenance team has been making progress on the new home of the CSHL.  Boards have been secured and the surface is cured.  

Things to do...

1. Boards Clean-up

  • Remove old ads and stickers

  • This will allow the league to utilize board space for ads and sponsorship

2. Create a safe and secure court for players, fans, and the community.

  • Protection from hockey balls - Jake and Ryan have some cannon slappers!! :)

3. Create a streamlined method for players to change, wait for shift changes, and get off/on the court easily.

  • This includes restroom options 

We know how excited everyone is to get on the new court, but we want to make sure all the logistics are covered, including addressing COVID protocols, prior to playing.  The league is invested in making sure everyone has an amazing experience while at Barb Cook Park.  



Image: Chris  Jenco

The CSHL is working on creating an Organizational Chart identifying the league's hierarchy.  This does not address the CSHL Board.  Please see the Leadership page for more information.      

If you would like to help in any area of the league, please reach out through Facebook. Contact any member in a Leadership, Board, or VP role. We would be delighted to have you as part of our leadership team. 


Player Profile:

Cody "CODE RED" Woodall

Code Red is celebrating a personal milestone, and frankly a CSHL league mark, this month as he just surpassed the 200 goal mark. Slotting in this historic  glizzy, Cody took to the presser and expressed his excitement and love for the game stating that his favorite things about CSHL are, "playing hockey with great people and players, improving my game, and skating with everyone whenever I can." The 27 year old native to Florence KY, has been playing for 8 years and started with the league May of 2018. His love of the Cincinnati Cyclones and Chicago Blackhawks shine through on the court. Emulating Marian Hossa, his favorite player, you can find Cody near the net ready to score at any given chance. Congrats on the success and we're looking to see you continue to develop with the league.

By Jason Kleinhenz




MARCH 2021



Barb Cook Park: Stick N' Move!

What ended as a dodgeball-like snow battle at the new rink started as a sticker removal event.  The boards were covered with old advertisements that needed to be removed so the CSHL could utilize the boards for promotional/sponsorship opportunities. 

The bubs start amassing around noon.  Shortly afterward, Tim bob and his friend Peach showed up with his generator.  With a heat gun and a few hand torches, the bubs split up and started attacking different stickers.

Some were poster-sized, some were 3 x 15.  After we got our method down, a hear tale that a poster-sized sticker was removed in one whole piece. That is saying something when some were coming off about a quarter size at a time.

I wanna say that Principle Joe and his kid, Craig Miller, were the ones who pulled off the single sticker situation.


After we had all of the stickers removed and bagged up, we realized that the rink had perfect snowball-making snow and a good dodgeball-like size to it.  A handful of bubs had a game of snowball dodgeball, ending with Tony getting Lil Craig Miller with a snowball right to the midsection.

Another tale of wisdom conquering spry youth.


A few people stopped and told us how they were really happy to see that we were bringing some positive vibes to the park and they were excited to see how it goes once we are up and running.

Them and us both.


A few last glances at how the boards were looking and Tim Bob and Justin talked about the next step of pressure washing.

We plan on having the accomplished this weekend. Sat 2/27.


After that, the remaining projects are installing our net and pouring the concrete pad for the benches.


Shout to Aaron Youngquist for showing up with a case of beer for the boys as we were wrapping up.

Rats Boulevard


Player Profile:

Vinnie Pastura

The greater Cincinnati area has always been known for raising up hard-nosed, Chuck Hustle, grinder-style athletes. These are the kind of players that live without the fear of bruised knees or bloodied elbows. As many of the members of the CSHL know, Vinnie Pastura is the paradigm for such an athlete. Chasing puck after puck into the corner to muck with such fervor that even the likes of Eddie Shore, Gordie Howe, and Jesse “Commish” Kleinhenz would be impressed. However, to say that “Vinnie Bags” is nothing but a tough in the corners would short-change his ability and skill with a stick. Coming into the league, this former “gnardog” (his words) had never played hockey before. After his first season out Vinnie quickly won the respect of the league and netted a most improved player award. From there the sky has been the limit (thankfully he found his way to correctly sized skates), and he became a lethal scorer and assist getter. In addition to his talent offensively, he backchecks with the best of them a locks down even the best players in the league. 


On the ice “Pastrami” hands out apples and finishes off plays with the ferocity of a wild boar, but off the ice, he’s one of the nicest bubs around. You can find him often in philosophical conversations with Rats Boulevard, or talking shop with Kyle Streethockey; he’s a well-rounded bub with a diverse set of interests and a love for his fellow bub. When asked about his favorite league memories, he mentioned getting his buddy Rick out to the rink for a first send. In that game, Vinnie got a chance to set him up for a goal and felt that the elation he experienced secondhand from Rick’s potting one was better than anything imaginable. Obviously, he cares about growing the league and will continue to exemplify the things that we need for that to happen. On a related note, his son “Gabrius Maximus”, will surely be one of the first young stars of the youth program once it's up and running. 


It’s crazy to think that without a happenstance meeting between Vinnie and the Commish’s Mullet (a player in its own right), we might not have this beauty of a player in the league. I for one am happy to get to know the man behind the player, and can’t wait to grab his hockey card for my collection.

By Luke Effler



The CSHL Newsletter is excited to have veteran member Sweet Luke on the team.




April 2021




The picture above does not represent the amazing turnout for the first official CSHL send.  Thanks to everyone that came out. 


Barb Cook Park: Set In Stone!

The court is officially open for play.  The construction crew finalized operations by laying concrete for the player's bench.  Netting encompasses a large majority of the court for safety.  There are countless people to thank for making this happen.  The CSHL is grateful for the support, helpful hands, and donated time...we could not have accomplished any of this without our friends, families, and community. 

Make sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram for game days & times. 



Player Profile:

Alex Boyce

Some people come into this world to discover, at some point in their life, that they love the game of hockey. They work arduously to become a great player by honing their skills; with hours of practice at the rink, in the garage, or basement they make the most of the completely ordinary talents they have been gifted. Others are born to be an athlete. Enter, Alex Boyce. Being the son of a first round draft pick in the MLB meant that he had his pick of sports at which to excel. All the major professional leagues began recruitment at the ripe young age of two. It’s impossible to say why, but he chose the CSHL. Drafted into the league (most recently) by the River Rats, the Boyce clan can rest easy knowing that their progeny will continue the athletic excellence that is expected. 


“Rolls” Boyce, while an able-bodied skater, shows his true genius for the game of hockey while posted up between the pipes. As the name might suggest, having a tender in net-like “Rolls” Boyce affords a club plenty of luxury during tight games. Captain of the River Rats, Ryan O’Leary, can rest easy knowing that in a close contest the likes of Patrick Roy wouldn’t hold a candle to his man. Sure, Roy might have four Stanley Cups and three Conn Smythe Trophies to his name, but has he ever lead the ice bubs to a Northern Kentucky Ice Center Men's League Championship after being kicked out of the game, and then brought back into the game? It’s a debate that most would refuse to contest. 


Always a fan of a good chirp, Boyce has been known to dismantle opposing players mentally with the dexterity of Cicero in the Philippics or Sean Avery against the Devils in the 2008 playoffs. Even after such a verbal pantsing, however, the bubs always know they can count on a hearty off-ice friendship and congenial camaraderie back at the clubhouse from “RB”. Those friendships and the sense of community are part of what got Boyce excited about his newest venture, OTP Hockey. 


After playing in various softball and hockey leagues around Cincinnati, and seeing what the CSHL had done at the local level, Boyce realized he could do something to support the need for team jerseys locally. OTP Hockey, thusly, was brought into being. A locally based Cincinnati sports jersey purveyor that kicked things off with CSHL hockey sweaters, designed by our very own Sunil Ketty. The league is all about giving back and making a difference in the community. Understanding that, the jersey sales were setup with kickback for the league, which has helped to raise additional funds for future CSHL projects. This is just the beginning as Boyce plans to work on team-specific sweaters as well. Look for him on Dave Wagel’s upcoming episode of the Espoused Podcast to hear more about the future of OTP Hockey.  

By Luke Effler


JUNE 2021


The Dawn of a New Era

Ominous clouds shifted across the sky in Covington, Kentucky. The blue gray pallor of the heavens seemed foreboding in their complexion. The vapor seemed as if it were holding court, to decide whether or not these grounds would be able to take the torrent contained within nimbus and stratus. On April 17th, 2021, however, no amount of rain could have stopped the events planned from unfolding at Barb Cook Park. The new home of the Covington Street Hockey League was announced, and the bubs were out in force.

Come rain, or come shine, the fine folks of the league were going to play the great game of hockey. The culmination of years of hard work, and tenacious petitioning has finally found a home for street hockey in the Greater Cincinnati area. With the boards from Dayton, Ohio’s legendary Hara Arena installed, the only thing that needed to be done was to drop a puck.

Before any athletic endeavor could begin, Covington Mayor Joe Meyer spoke about the importance of the park as a cornerstone to the community in Latonia and Covington, and gave his blessing. He, alongside Barb Cook’s daughter, cut the ceremonial ribbon to indicate that the festivities of the day should begin. Then after tossing the prescribed first puck at the new rink the games began. 


In the first game, CSHL youth program showed off the talents of some promising young players, who even in the midst of a light drizzle showed toughness and skill on the blacktop. The plan to develop the next generation of players beginning with the simplest of urges “play to have fun”. No one argued the concept and after the kids left the court, their adult counterparts took the phrase in stride. 


Many folks showed up to skate, watch, and cheer from the stands. The ice cold Braxton beer, and the Django Tacos kept everyone sated throughout. A considerably exciting display of ability and a wide array of style was on display. A typical send for the bubs, but one which surely wowed the crowd gathered. Playing well into the night, the new court even registered its first night spectacle… under the lights, and under the stars. Some may speak about this send in the years to come and say how they remember seeing flow from under helmet whisper in the wind, like a bird flying from its coop. Those who remember, will always have a place in their hearts for stick and puck, and will always be thanked for coming out. 

By Luke Effler



Player Profile:
Ryan O'Leary

From the moment he stepped onto the “ice” with the bubs, it was clear that Ryan O’Leary was a different sort of hockey player. His game is full of heart, and he plays with a sense of ease that knows no bounds. Each and every one of the bubs can recount a time where the “Irishman” went between the legs on a breakaway; to score a difficult goal in a fashion that to any other would be impossible. For O’Leary however, the game is not only a natural progression of stick and puck, but of mind and spirit. To many in the league, the game of hockey has been a salient piece of their life that grows and changes with them each year. Ryan is no different, to him hockey is perhaps as analogous to the realities of growing up and foraging a path through life as it is a simple game.

One of the greatest aspects of a player like Ryan O’Leary’s game is not the innate ability to score at will, or the incredible handles, (which he most certainly has in spades) but the heart with which he plays the game. While he might come off as a bulldog on the court as he charges into the offensive zone, the reality is that he plays for the future. As a kid growing up in Northside, Ryan honed his skills and learned the game of hockey thanks to the hard work of his father, Jay (also a player in the CSHL). In paying for ice time and gear, not only did Jay help Ryan to learn the game of hockey, but also the importance of hard work and sacrifice. This is of course now something that Ryan not only wants to impart on his own children, but in pertinence to the league, the kids of the CSHL youth program. 


It is not hard to see why a guy like Ryan O’Leary became a team captain in the league. Beyond his abilities as a player there is an openness to his personality, and a sincerity that cannot be duplicated. His willingness to stop and help a player understand how to make their snapshot a little better, or just have a frank conversation about their kitchen light that keeps going out is a testament to his down to earth relatability. The next time we witness a perfect Ryan O’Leary pass for assist to Thunder, or a between the legs dangle that puts another player straight on their ass, don’t forget to look for the signs of pure unadulterated joy on the face of one of the leagues longest tenured playmakers. Vicariously we can all take a little bit of that enjoyment for ourselves. Even as the signs of youth are stripped away from our faces, the game of hockey can continue to illicit the same feelings that were first experienced so many years before the CSHL. 


“May the bubs always be at your back, May the sun shine warm upon your face, and the goals fall into your opposing net.” 


By Luke Effler


KEEPIN' IT REAL! City of Covington Authenti-City Award


©2023 Covington Street Hockey League

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